Both current scientific theory and spiritual inquiry accept that there is a state that exists beyond space and time. ‘Eternal’ is one word that can be used to represent this greater reality. As it is not normally experienced through our bodily senses, it cannot be pictured, which is why I have not used any images on this page. There is medical evidence that exploring it can help improve personal mental and physical health, but many people have found greater rewards than that. I believe that understanding it is essential for growth and renewal.
This section of the web contains a description of some of my personal experiences and the spiritual reflections that have been drawn from them over many years as well as personal insights and reflections arising from the spiritual and scientific writings of others. They are included to encourage each reader to pursue their own deeper inquiries. This is because I believe that everyone (and everything) is being created by one consciousness and each of us needs to discover their own answer to the question: ‘What is eternal?’.
Paul Newman
April 2020