Reflections on science and consciousness

People immersed in this life, especially those who believe that their human identity is all they are, receive the impression from their bodily senses of a material universe with dimensions of time and space. However, scientific exploration of the data gathered from measurement has suggested that this simple model breaks down when we investigate quanta, at the smallest scale, or try to make sense of distant observations, such as the ‘event horizon’ around a black hole, and consider what lies beyond. Particles act like waves and must be considered as quanta of energy rather than solid. They react as if they are linked with other similar quanta at a distance. The study of the movement of galaxies has led to the conclusion that 95% of the known universe is made up of dark matter and dark energy that cannot be directly observed. Although the scientific method is very effective at discerning and explaining difference, it cannot account for the consciousness that drives it. For that we need our spiritual experiences.

The origin of creation must arise from wholeness that contains the potential for everything observed and unobserved, including what we think of as space, time and consciousness. Without consciousness observation is impossible. It is the agency that brings creation into existence, is always present, cannot be separated from it but is not limited by its dimensions. Therefore, as a part of creation, we are always in touch with consciousness and, when we become aware, we have what are called spiritual experiences because they are clearly beyond anything our physical bodies can discern.

Paul Newman

November 2019