About the new-look Renewable Way

The Roman writer Ovid observed that the only constant that he experienced was change. This year has seen a great amount of change for me personally and called for a review of priorities and possibilities. On thing I felt was needed was to improve the look and ease of use of my web site The Renewable Way, which is now over fifteen years old. As I have described in the Welcome page, the content has changed and there have been some changes to the design but the method of uploading content to Green Net’s server had not and this created problems (especially with broken links), which are exacerbated if you use more than one computing device to create and upload material to the site. So now I have, with the help of the support team at Green Net, moved to a web-based format hosted by Word Press.

What this process has enable me to do is review all pages and distil the content to a representative selection. New material is planned and some old favourites will be recreated or updated. Changes will be introduced, where appropriate, via posts, such as this one, which are by there nature more immediate and temporary, which should encourage me to update on a rolling programme, rather than trying to do a lot for each new season.

The aim of this web site remains to make it easier to understand why it is necessary for all of us to become ‘Sustainable’ but this also has to mean that we continue to enjoy what makes life interesting, exciting, comfortable and gives us purpose. Please view the pages Welcome to the Renewable Way, Sustain, Eternal, People and Places to learn more about the material available on this web site.

Also, please continue to send your comments and suggestions: for example by submitting a reply below.

About Paul Newman

Paul Newman BSc (Sociology), DMS, MA (Sustainable Development) worked for the Government for thirty years mostly on projects seeking to develop the UK Economy and has also been employed as a part-time lecturer, invigilator, events organiser and as a consultant on sustainable development projects. He became a member of the voluntary group Sustainable Staffordshire in 1997 and subsequently served as first a Vice-Chair then Chair for a four year term, during this time he also became a volunteer and then a trustee of the Community Council of Staffordshire, which he continued to support as a member of its Board of Directors until its closure in 2018. He has also served three terms as a Councillor for Swynnterton Parish, been a trustee of Hanchurch Village Hall and member of Trentham PCC.
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